How to create and upload custom content for Laser systems with ShowNET mainboard or external ShowNET interfaces

This tutorial explains how custom content for Lasers with the intelligent ShowNET mainboard can be created, saved and uploaded to the Laser mainboard / ShowNET interface.
For further understanding: The intelligent Laser mainboard is called "ShowNET" - and the same mainboard is also available as external hardware device for the use with Lasers without this intelligent mainboard. So the term "ShowNET" is synonymously used for the intelligent Laser mainboard and vice versa.

Information on the content:
The content for the Laser mainboard is created in the standard ILDA file format. This is an open format that was created to make content for laser systems compatible. Many laser software programs out there can export ILDA files. If in the correct format, they can be used with the Laser mainboard.
This tutorial explains the creation and export of custom content from Showeditor, the free, full feature laser software that comes with any Laser with ShowNET mainboard.

  1. Get started - create content

    For a comprehensive overview please watch this video, it explains the whole file creation and export process:

  2. Important hints for creating custom content

    To make the export work, first create a completely new folder, then create new figures within this folder. Do NOT copy any protected figures to this folder, as the protection can then again span to the other files residing there.

    Information on the Export process:
    If the active laser show is protected against ILDA export and a new figure in this show is created (same folder), this figure also becomes protected! So it is not possible to export it any more.
    Of course, if you have the rights to exporting the figures, it is no problem to do this from an existing show / figure set. However, most show programmers protect their ILDA figures and ILDA frames against copying, so export won't work without permissions granted by the copyright holder (can be applied per license number).
  3. Select the correct file version

    On ILDA export, there are six different options given for the ILDA standard format to be chosen. Standard is 5, so it's highly recommended to use that one unless problems occur. The ShowNET mainboard requires the ILDA files to be in the Version 5 format to play them back properly!
  4. Name the ILDA files correctly before uploading them to the ShowNET / Laser mainboard:

    The ShowNET / Laser mainboard handles the ILDA (*.ild) files in standard 5 format. It requires specific file names for the ILDA files.
    They must be named according to these specifications:

    • The filename represents the DMX value it can be triggered with (even if they are not to be triggered by DMX, they must be named according to the name convention)
    • It can be values between 000 and 255
    • It is recommended to NOT use 000, as in this case the scanners of the laser start moving even if the intensity channel is set to off.
    • values 230-255 are NOT triggered in Automatic, Demo or Sound-to-light operation, so these are reserverd for hot-beams or test pictures.
    • Do NOT load hot beams or other dangerous patterns to values below 230 if the laser is intended to be used in auto, demo or sound-to-light mode at any time!

    Example file names:

    1. file: 001.ild
    2. file: 002.ild
    3. file: 255.ild
    and so on.

    Again: The ShowNET / Laser mainboard does not support custom filenames. They won't be recognized and the files won't be accessible.

  5. Upload the files to the Memory / SD card of the ShowNET / Laser mainboard

    This video explains how the ILDA files can be uploaded to the Laser / ShowNET with using the ShowNET Admin tool.

    - it is recommended to not upload ILDA files bigger than 8MB
    - it is recommended to not upload file batches bigger than 50MB at once - make several batches instead.
    - for big file uploads use an SD-card reader (see below)

    It is also possible to insert the SD-card of the ShowNET / Laser mainboard to an SD-card reader and upload the files that way. especially if the files are very big it is recommended to use an SD-card reader to transfer the files, as it can take quite a while with the Admin tool.

Navigate to the ShowNET / Laser mainboard online user manual


Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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