Cancellation Policy:

(1) A consumer has the right to cancel the contract within 14 days without giving reasons.

(2) The right of withdrawal is 14 days. It starts from the date on which the last product is received by the customer or any third party, who is designated by the customer and is not a carrier at the same time.

(3) To exercise the right of withdrawal, it is necessary that we, the

Laserworld (Switzerland) AG
Kreuzlingerstrasse 5
8574 Lengwil

Phone: 0041- 71 677 80 80
Fax: 0041- 71 / 677 80 88
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

by means of a clear statement (e.g. consigned by a letter, fax, e-mail or telephone) will be informed of the decision to revoke the contract. Use this link to download a specimen form. You can use this form for your right of withdrawal: Download specimen form here
Alternatively, you can return the withdrawal form together with the received product(s) to the Laserworld Service Center address given below.

(4) In order to keep the withdrawal period it is sufficient if the declaration on the exercise of the right of withdrawal is dispatched before the expiry of the cancellation period.

II. Consequences of the withdrawal:

(1) In case of cancellation of this contract, we will refund all payments that we have received from you immediately, at the latest within 14 days and free of charge. The period begins on the day on which we have received the notice of revocation of this contract. This also relates to the shipping costs (except for the additional costs incurred because of as you have chosen a different shipping method than the cheapest standard shipping, offered by us). For the refund we use the same method of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless we explicitly agreed otherwise.

(2) We may withhold the refund until the goods are not received by us or there is no evidence that the goods have been returned to us; whichever is the earlier date.

(3) The product has to be returned to us or handed it over immediately, at the latest within 14 days from the day we were informed of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the deadline of 14 days. You bear the direct costs of returning the goods.

Please send the product(s) to following address:
Laserworld Service Center
Mühlbachweg 2
83626 Valley

(4) If a loss of value of the goods has occurred, you have to pay for it only when this value loss is due to a not necessary handling.

III. Exclusion of right of withdrawal:

(1) This right of withdrawal does not apply at contracts for the delivery of goods which we have produced according ​​to your specifications or which have been tailor-made according to your personal needs or because of their nature, why they cannot be returned. Furthermore this right of withdrawal does not apply at contracts for the delivery of audio or video recordings or software if the delivered data carriers were sealed and this seal was removed after delivery.

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
Contact us:
ch +41-71-6778080
en +44-161-8720272

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