Improved Manufacturer’s Warranty for laser systems of the Laserworld Group

Effective from 2022, Laserworld improved their manufacturer’s warranty terms and offers options to extend the regular warranty to up to 3 years.

The regular warranty for businesses of one year can thus be extended to two or even three years, consumers can extend the warranty from the regular two years to three years.

The price for a manufacturer’s warranty extension depends on the product range and the extension term. It is specified as percentage of the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) specified in the pricelist valid at the time of purchase. The percentage does not refer to potentially discounted individual prices, but always to the MSRP.


These are the warranty extension rates, as per 01/2022:


Extension to 2 years
(24 months)

Extension to 3 years
(36 months)

Laser systems of the Laserworld brand

  9% of the net MSRP

14% of the net MSRP

Laser systems of the tarm brand

10% of the net MSRP

16% of the net MSRP

Laser systems of the RTI brand

10% of the net MSRP

16% of the net MSRP

The manufacturer’s warranty extension needs to be purchased together with the product. It cannot be purchased later.

The standard one year (businesses) / two years (consumers) warranty is not affected and is automatically applied.


Example for fictional Laserworld laser system:   
MSRP: 2000 € (excl. VAT, excl. shipping)
Negotiated purchase price (discounted): 1000 € (excl. VAT, excl. shipping)
Purchase price incl. warranty extension to 2 years: 1000 € + (2000 € * 0.09) = 1180 €
Purchase price incl. warranty extension to 3 years: 1000 € + (2000 € * 0.14) = 1280 €

 Legal conditions for the new manufacturer’s warranty extension:

Service Contract

In addition to the new manufacturer’s warranty extension it is possible to negotiate a service contract for either on-site service or service at the Laserworld Group service center. As conditions highly vary depending on the individual requirements, please contact Laserworld for details.


Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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