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Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
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What is a laser light show?

A laser light show can mean two different things: Primary meaning is the "Laser show", emphasing here that it's a show in the visible color spectrum. The other meaning of "laser light show" sepcifies the actual projection unit. In this case the term defines the medium and the effect at the same time.

Other terms for laser light show

This terminology is not too common, usually "laser light", "show laser" or "laser display" are used for defining the actual hardware projection system instead of laser light show.
The "result", meaning the effects in a certain context, are commonly defined as "laser show".

Laser light show = the show effect

Laser shows utilize the visibility of laser light. Most show lasers with different colored laser sources come with the colors red, green and blue which make them to so-called RGB lasers. Laser projectors with OPSL modules often provide cyan and orange, rarely lime for a bigger color gamut.
Thanks to laser light impressive laser effects are possible. Depending on the scanning system demanding animations and graphics projections are able to tell whole stories with impressive pictures. Most popular is the so-called audience scanning with laser beams projected directly into the audience. Important: local safety insctructions must be consideres and observed.

Examples of laser light shows

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Laser light show = laser projector

A laser projector is a device for displaying animations and graphics with laser beams onto a screen. Besides laser sources like diodes, DPSS, OPSL or gas lasers in earlier times, a laser projector must contain galavanometer scanners. Therefore the laser projector is able to move its laser light beam to create laser images on projection surfaces like walls, ceilings, fog or haze.
Laser projector is also used as synonym for the laser light itself. Other terms are e.g.laser display, show laser and even laser show is used to describe a laser device.

Learn more about laser light shows

Buy a Laser Light Show

Here you can find all Laserworld Laser Light Shows and show laser systems that can display a Laser Light Show. From budget version to high-end laser systems. Click on a particular show laser for more information from our shop.



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