glossary book
Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
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What means ILDA projector?

ILDA is the abbreviation of "International Laser Display Association", a non-profit organization to increase and expand the use of show laser light systems. This association developed a data transmission protocol to transfer image data between a show laser control device and the show laser system. Every laser display with an ILDA connector is called ILDA projector and can be controlled via ILDA.

How does the ILDA control work?

As the ILDA laser control signal relies on parallel transmission and the computer control signal uses serial transmission, the computer control signal has to be converted to ILDA. For doing so you'll need a Digital Analogue Converter (DAC) which is often called ILDA interface.

The best ILDA projector

There is no such thing like the best ILDA projector. There is only the best laser display for your purpose. And this depends on many factors: How big is your venue? Do you need graphics projections? Is it a multimedia show with water involved? Is it an outdoor show or in broad daylight?
Laserworld offers many laser lights and only the smallest budget ones don't have an ILDA connection but DMX or automatic modes.

Buy ILDA Projectors

Here you can find all Laserworld ILDA Projectors. From budget version to high-end solution. Click on a particular show laser to display more information from our shop.



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