glossary book
Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
If you find a mistake or if you have suggestions for additional terms, please drop an E-Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What is a Hydro Shield?

As well as water screens hydro shields are projection surfaces made of water used to make laser graphics and effects visible. But contrary to water screens, where water drops fall down from above, hydro shields emerge semicircular from the bottom upwards. They consist of a special 180° flat nozzle together with a very strong pump system. It is essential to have a permanent water source, therefore the nozzle may be placed in a lake or the like. Hydro shields are often used for rear projections and are able to disappear within seconds - an advantage over other kinds of screens.

Further information on Hydro Shield


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