glossary book
Show Laser Glossary, Definitions & Explanations This Glossary shall provide general definitions for terms used on this website as well as give some background information on terms and topics used in show laser and entertainment industry.
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Why is it called DMX512?

The abbreviation DMX stands for Digital Multiplex and denotes a serial signal, which carries a special protocol from a controller to a DMX receiving device (the laser projector) in order to display pre-set effects. Through solely one cable it is possible to manage 512 different channels. Every system connected laser system has got a certain start address (within the spectrum 1-512). Each signal can process 256 single signal steps - i.e. values from 0-256. Normally the value 0 stands for "OFF", the value 255 for "ON". Depending on the processing control signal, also effects, movements or simple signalings, etc. may be controlled. The DMX512 protocol simply provides the trigger signal - then action to be preformed will be implemented by the control board of the controlled device, according to the programming.

How do I select effects with DMX?

Also every effect has an address. By entering the address the selected laser is going to display the chosen effect. The addresses also may be entered via the dip switches on the back side of the laser projector.

Input DMX Address Number:

Dip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch CalculatorDip Switch Calculator

Differences between 3 Pin DMX and 5 Pin DMX

There are plans for implementing more channels or a return mode for the 5 pin version in the future. At the moment there is no difference between 3 pin and 5 pin layout, besides you'll need different cables for connecting the devices.
dmx pin

Learn more about DMX

  • Glossary - DMX
  • DMX Address Setting - DMX Calculator
  • Laserworld Shop - Professional DMX Laser Systems
  • FAQ
    • Are there also DMX capable show laser systems with Master/Slave mode?
    • Can you link different lasers with DMX cables to forward the ILDA signal of the first unit?
    • How can I control my laser over DMX professionally?

Buy show laser lights with DMX connctor

Here you can find all Laserworld laser lights with DMX connection. Click on a particular show laser to display more information from our shop.



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