Laserworld DS-3000RGB

Product Model:
Laserworld Diode Series (DS)
2019 - 2020
Laserworld DS-3000RGB
This product is equipped with the versatile ShowNET laser mainboard. Alternatively there are modified versions with FB4, too.
You find all operation instructions online here:

ILDA connection
1. Raw ILDA control

ShowNET DIP Switches
2. Laser mainboard
(ShowNET) DIP Switches
cat big mirrors
3. Laser mainboard
(ShowNET) Display control
cat big mirrors
4. Pangolin FB4

The download link below contains the safety information, the explanation of the device itself and general legal information, as well as the technical datasheet. All information on the actual operation and the features of the laser system are available through above links!
Operation instructions, safety advise and otehr instructions are included in this manual for the Laserworld DS-3000RGB. Laserworld Diode Series (DS) is the product range it belongs to. Operation instructions given in this manual apply to devices manufactured between 2019 and 2021. The manual matches DS-3000RGB units by Laserworld. Products with EAN / MPN 7640144997328 match with this manual. The timespan for validity of this manual may not be 100% correct, due to variations in sales (+/- 1 year). Filesize is roughly 0.82 MByte. This manual is provided as pdf file.

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand LaserworldDistributed Brand tarmdistributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent