special effects laserThere are different kinds of show laser light systems: Whereas most laser systems are equipped with scanner systems or stepper motors, some lasers work differently. Diffraction type lasers use specially structured glass plates to create effects out of laser beams. Beam bar type laser systems, also called beam arrays, emit a number of single beams that can be combined to create different types of effects. And there are mixtures of these types, so lasers are not limited to classic scanning applications, but can be used for much more than that.
The laser selection below shows those special effects systems. Each laser system has different features, so it is recommended to have a closer look at the product details.
If you need support in finding the right SFX laser for your application, please feel free to mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or call us +41-71-6778080

Recommended Special Effects Lasers:

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