The human eye perceives the different wavelengths of the visible color range with a different intensity. The optimum is at 555nm - the green DPSS as RGB elementary color meets this as the most closest.
Therefore it is decisive to find the perfect balancing act between best power distribution and largest green part in order to match the best possible visibility.
The closer the nanometer is to this optimum (up and down), the brighter is the perception of a color. However, this visibility curve looks not like a common „bell“-curve and therefore brings special characteristics in the blue and red color range with it.

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In a comparatively wide spectrum (ca. 405-465nm), blue colors can reach a radical increase in visibility by adding green laser light. This way the 445nm SwissLas modules become extremely bright and e.g. also show colors in the near 473nm range.
In the red spectrum this isn‘t possible, as you can see in the chart: With just a little addition of green, the mixture immediately turns into orange.


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