Laserworld Group corporate video | Laserworld (Switzerland) AG | tarm | RTI

Laserworld is a world leader in the field of manufacturing and distribution of show laser light systems. Our product portfolio ranges from small, entry level laser light systems to high end professional lasers. The Laserworld Group covers all areas of development, production, marketing and sales of showlaser systems and accessories. Services like laser shows or show programming, but also installation are conducted by own staff or staff from Laserworld's subsidiaries or contracted partners. To find out more about the Laserworld Group, Laserworld, RTI or tarm and how you can uplift your events to the next level go to: Enjoy the video! And thanks to everyone who participated in making this film! #Laserworld #RTI #tarm #LaserworldGroup #lasershow #event #DMX #ILDA #laserlight #showlaserlight #projector #beams #nightclub #festival #scanners #switzerland #RGB #club #lasers #lasershow #clubseries #avl #lightingdesign #eventlasers #specialeffects #laserdisplay #party #clublasers #sfx #lasercontrol #lighting #corporatefilm

Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
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