tarm Gobo Wheel compact - effects video | Laserworld

This video shows the different effects that are possible with the tarm Gobo Wheel compact in combination with a laser system. The tarm Gobo Wheel compact is delivered as add-on device to a laser system and can be mounted in front of the output window of many laser systems. Astonishing effects can be created by shooting the laser beams and animations through the glass effects of the tarm Gobo Wheel compact. These glass effects can be rotated and the rotation speed can be adjusted. There are three glass effects built-in: line grating, burst grating and lumia. In addition to that, the Gobo Wheel has an "open" position that lets pass through the raw laser output. More details: https://www.laserworld.com/en/tarm-lasers/tarm-gobo-wheel-compact #tarm #gobowheel #gobo #glasseffect #art #artistic #laser #show #laserart #lumia #burst #line

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