Thanks to a high demand it was possible to reduce the prices for show laser lights of the SwissLas Pure Micro Series significantly. The DS-3300RGB of Laserworld's Diode Series is now offered at more favourable terms, too.
Norbert Stangl, Sales & Marketing Director of Laserworld says: 'Due to a strong demand we were able to lower the average unit costs, hence we could lower our prices. Our customers profit from that fact.' Laserworld's sales staff assumes, that these price reductions will additionally boost the Christmas sales.

The SwissLas Pure Micro Series became a real success since it was launched in 2011 and was steadily supplemented. By comparison, the Laserworld Diode Series is relatively joungish. The Diode Series complements Laserworld's product portfolio since mid of 2014. It seems that these products will be as successful as the Pure Micro Series.

Use this link to find the SwissLas Pure Micro Series

Use this link to find the Laserworld DS-3300RGB



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