There is a quartz.dll registration error. What to do?

It is very uncommon, but unfrequently it occurs a registration error with the quartz.dll file during installation. It depends on your operating system and other criteria if this error will pop up, but no worries: the solution is easy to achieve as you can install *.dll files manually. On the official Laserworld Showeditor website you can find a batch file that registers the quartz.dll -> the error disappears.


  • Download this DLL-Patcher.bat from the Laserworld Showeditor Download area
  • Execute the DLL-Patcher.bat with a double-click. If you don't have administrator privileges on your computer, you'll have to open the file with a right-click on it and then select "execute as administrator".
  • After that you'll see a command screen popping up and the patching happens. After finishing the window closes automatically / asks you to press any key to close the dialog.
  • Restart your computer to finish the installation.

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