Distributed Brand:


Pangolin Logo 300dpi copy - Kopie
the brand

Pangolin is an important supplier for show laser and multimedia control software. Since 2011 Laserworld distributes Pangolin products and has great response from the market on these.
The brand Pangolin is well-known in showlaser industry. Pangolin products can be showcased and bought in all Laserworld offices around the world - in the USA, China, UK and Switzerland.
Pangolin software products use the ILDA standards to transmit signals and to interact. Therefore the products are 100% compatible to the showlaser systems distributed by Laserworld.

Several software and hardware options are available - depending on the type of use and the necessary features:

Pangolin Quickshow

Especially designed for live laser operation, this software product has a very intuitive user interface and most features work drag-and-drop.
Of course, Quickshow also provides timeline features, so even smaller music synchronous laser shows can be created.
Please see the product details on Pangolin Quickshow:

>> Product details Pangolin Quickshow >>

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Pangolin Lasershow Designer LD-2000 and BEYOND

LD-2000 is in the show laser market for many years now. It is a well-established tool for small to large scale laser shows and works very stable. The new updated version BEYOND is provided for free with every purchase of an LD-2000 package:

Like LD-2000, Pangolin BEYOND is available in 3 different versions. Please see the product details on LD-2000 and BEYOND:

>> Product details LD-2000 and BEYOND >>

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Distributed brands:

Distributed Brand Laserworld Distributed Brand tarm distributed brand Ray Technologies
Distributed Brand Laserworld ShoweditorDistributed Brand ShowcontrollerDistributed Brand PangolinDistributed Brand coherent
Contact us:
ch +41-71-6778080
en +44-161-8720272

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